Washington Driving Knowledge Test - Washington Road Rules 6

You can signal that you are slowing down or stopping by making what hand signal?

Question 1 of 20

You should be particularly careful about not making assumptions on the basis of what a turn signal is showing when dealing with what type of vehicle?

Question 2 of 20

You may only drive in bicycle lanes if…?

Question 3 of 20

At a speed of 55 mph, you need about _____ to pass another vehicle...?

Question 4 of 20

When driving on packed snow, you should reduce your speed by…?

Question 5 of 20

When approaching a railway crossing, you must remember about which vehicles always have to stop even if a train is not coming?

Question 6 of 20

You must switch your headlights to low beams at night before you come within what distance of a vehicle you are following?

Question 7 of 20

If found guilty in court of driving impaired and it is your first conviction, you may be required to use of an ignition interlock device for up to...?

Question 8 of 20

Which of these indicates, when it is on your side of the center of the road, that passing is prohibited?

Question 9 of 20

You must always stop at the scene of a crash in which you are involved…?

Question 10 of 20

You must not park within what distance of a pedestrian safety zone?

Question 11 of 20

Recklessly endangering workers, other motorists, or property in a work zone could lead to a ______ license suspension...?

Question 12 of 20

Washington’s child restraint law requires children up to their 8th birthday, unless they are ____ tall (whichever comes first), must use a child safety restraint...?

Question 13 of 20

When parking on the opposite side of the street from a fire station driveway, you must not park within what distance of it?

Question 14 of 20

If you drive to the scene of a fire, collision, or other disaster for sightseeing, you may be…?

Question 15 of 20

When pulling up to the parallel park, you should be between what distances from the vehicle you are going to park behind?

Question 16 of 20

If a police or traffic officer asks you to take a BAC breath test, you must do so. You will lose your driver license for at least _______ if you refuse to take a BAC breath test...?

Question 17 of 20

At 50 mph, how far does it take the average driver to react and stop in good conditions?

Question 18 of 20

Which of these has right-of-way over a funeral procession?

Question 19 of 20

When approaching an intersection, how should you check for other traffic?

Question 20 of 20



How to Prepare for Washington Driving Knowledge Test

Do you want to know more about Washington driving knowledge test? Do you want to score well and pass on the first attempt? Yes, you can do it with proper preparation. Many believe that Washington driving knowledge test is a bit hard. They think that the test will demand more effort and time. There is no doubt that you will have to prepare for the knowledge test. But, if you know what you need to study, you can limit your research to that only.

Washington Driving Knowledge Test Before deciding the next step, you will have to ask yourself a couple of questions. Do you need to write the test? What are the requirements? It is worth mentioning that you can write the knowledge test if you are above fifteen. But you need to take it if you have not enrolled in driving training before getting your permit. In brief, if you have joined any driving course, you do not need to write the test. But, if you have an expired license, you can take this test. But the knowledge test alone will not qualify you for a Washington state driving license. There will be screenings and road tests as well. If you are new to this, you can go through the following. We will know more about preparations, question types, and attempts.

Washington Driving Knowledge Test

If you want to take the knowledge test, you will have to pre-apply online. You cannot avoid this procedure. Hence, you will have to do this before planning for the test. You will have to schedule an appointment, and the Washington DOL will check your detail and enter them into the database. Once you write the test, they will enter your score into the database. You will find everything smooth and fast. The key is to prepare thoroughly to avoid writing it again.

How to Prepare Thoroughly

As you will be writing a driving knowledge test, you might be aware of questions. Yes, all the questions will be about driving rules, traffic signs, and safe practices. But you do not need to check online. Instead, you can read the Washington Drivers Manual. Yes, it is the only book that can help to score well.

How Does Washington Driver’s Manual Help to Pass the Test?

What will come in your test? The test will cover the driving rules, driving practices, road signs, and traffic rules. Do you think you will have a better source to find all these? Hence, you can check the Washington Driver’s Manual. You will find everything in it to pass your test. You can read the book a few times. If you do not know English much, you can consider other languages. Yes, this book is available in different languages. Also, you will have to choose the latest version. This book keeps updating, and if you do not go with the updated one, you might not write correct answers.

Can the Manual Alone Help to Score Well?

What will you get in the manual? It will have all the questions that you can expect in the test. But what type of questions will come? What will be the format? Do you need to write answers? You can get all these answers in practice tests. Yes, a practice test will prepare you for your test. Also, it will help you to evaluate your driving knowledge.

You might be thinking that you have done adequate preparation for your test. But once you write the test, you might feel that you need more preparation. You can prepare more and write the knowledge test again. However, you will lose one attempt. You can take many practice tests before writing the knowledge test. Also, you do not need to spend on practice tests. You can take free tests online. But practice tests will help you to know about your preparation level. Besides, you will be familiar with question types.

What Are the Question Types?

In Washington driving knowledge test, multiple choices will come. Yes, the questions will be about driving rules, traffic signs, and safe practices. You will have to choose the correct answers. If you have gone through the Washington Drivers Manual a few times, you might find all the questions easy. However, you do not need to write all the answers correctly. The test will have forty questions. If possible, you can attempt all of them. But, you need to write only 32 correct answers to pass the test. It is achievable with adequate preparation.

When Can I Write the Test?

You can write anytime after adequate preparation. There is no point in writing if your preparation is not thorough. First, you will have to read the driver’s manual. If you think you can score well, you can take practice tests. Instead of taking one, you can consider many. When the performance is remarkably well in practice tests, you can pre-apply for the knowledge test. But if you think you need more preparation, you should prepare more. In brief, you can take many practice tests until you have not scored well.

Cost of Writing the Knowledge Test

You will have to pay $25 for the knowledge test. Also, there will be a test fee. The amount might vary based on the location. Hence, you can research your area to avoid any confusion.

What Will Happen If I Fail?

If you fail, you can try again. You can retake the test within four hours. Yes, you can write again on the same day. However, if you fail for the second time, you can retake it the next day. But instead of writing on the same day or the next day, you can wait for a few days. You can prepare well and write with confidence. You can take the knowledge test four times.

You can pass Washington driving knowledge test on your first attempt with adequate preparation. Instead of researching online, you can go through the Washington Driver’s Manual a couple of times. It is a must if you want to score well. In addition to this, you will have to take practice tests to hone your skills and find improvement areas.