NC Permit Practice Test - North Carolina Road Rules 1

When you have to stop at a railroad crossing, you should stop no more than what distance away?

Question 1 of 25

When you are backing up, you should not exceed…?

Question 2 of 25

Which of these is the only person allowed to occupy the front passenger seat in a vehicle driven by someone on a Limited Learner Permit?

Question 3 of 25

For safe driving, when a vehicle ahead of you passes a fixed point you should not pass that point until how much time has elapsed?

Question 4 of 25

You should never make a pass on a curve or hill when you cannot see at least what distance ahead?

Question 5 of 25

Children cannot use standard seatbelts without an appropriate child passenger restraint system if they are under the age of eight and weigh less than…?

Question 6 of 25

If a pedestrian takes right-of-way over you in your car, you must stop…?

Question 7 of 25

If you are signaled to pull over by a police officer but there is no safe place to immediately stop, what should you do?

Question 8 of 25

If you break down on the interstate, which of these should you do?

Question 9 of 25

If you drift off the edge of the road, how should you recover your position?

Question 10 of 25

When leaving the interstate, you should enter the exit lane…?

Question 11 of 25

When you pass another vehicle, you must give them a minimum of how much space?

Question 12 of 25

If your car stalls on a railroad crossing and train is coming, what should you do?

Question 13 of 25

If somebody behind you blows the horn to show they are going to pass you, this means…?

Question 14 of 25

At intersections with stop signs you must…?

Question 15 of 25

When two or more vehicles reach an intersection at the same time, which vehicle has right-of-way?

Question 16 of 25

Failing to yield right-of-way when entering an intersection in such a way that a serious bodily injury occurs can result in a suspension and fine of…?

Question 17 of 25

When driving long distances, you should plan to stop, stretch and have a walk at least once every…?

Question 18 of 25

What should you do when you are approaching or being approached by an emergency vehicle with flashing lights and/or sirens activated?

Question 19 of 25

To make a three-point turn, the first thing you should do is…?

Question 20 of 25

As you approach a curve, which of these should be doing?

Question 21 of 25

You should never park within what distance of the curb line of an intersecting street?

Question 22 of 25

Unless otherwise posted, what is the speed limit in cities and towns in North Carolina?

Question 23 of 25

When changing lanes, which of these should you do?

Question 24 of 25

To signal a left turn you should do what?

Question 25 of 25



Tips on Preparing for NC Permit Test

You can’t blame yourself for being a bit nervous about the NC Permit test since it is a bit nerve-wracking. You can never know what is going to come off of it but you will be less nervous if you actually prepare for it in the best way possible. In this situation, confidence is key and you would want to be pretty confident entering a test that would mean good things for your future if you get the score that you were looking for. Of course, that is far from a sure thing as you won’t really know if you got the score until the time that the results are announced. Until then, you would want to know some tips in order to feel that your chances of getting good scores are pretty high. Here are a few tips for you once you are finally in the mood to prepare for the NC permit test:


Answer Practice Tests

NC Permit Practice Test There are plenty of free NC DMV practice test options available online and most of them are free. Hence, better take full advantage of this and answer all of them as that won’t take you too much of your time. Better check out if you were right after answering the exams so make sure the NC permit practice test that you are answering has an answer key. If not, then it won’t make much sense to do it. There will be quite a few tests that will present some pretty challenging questions. This is the time when you would realize how important practice is. After all, when you encounter these questions at the actual test then you would probably panic a bit especially when you think that the entire test would be like that. However, when you get used to questions like that then you would answer the same NC permit practice test in the future to see if you have learned your lesson. After all, there is a chance that you will see the same questions in the actual exam. That is actually where they get the questions that they put into their test. thus, better be ready with these questions as you know the NC permit practice tests were not made by luck. These practice exams will open your eyes regarding what you can expect when you finally try and take the actual exam.

Ask Past Test Takers

There is no doubt you know tons of people who took the NC permit test in the past. It would be a lot better if you ask them how it went down. You can even ask the questions but it is pretty doubtful that they would be able to remember all of that. Better make sure that you completely trust the person that you are asking because other people can just give you the wrong information just for the heck of it. It would be better to enlist the help of people who were really with you through thick and think. They may even help you until they go down the wire and see what would happen when you take the actual test.

Study Hard

Better not go out at night and drink the night away until after taking the exam. It would be a lot better if you would prepare for the task ahead by looking at books and other study materials. You can feel a bit motivated about doing some group studying with other people who are tasked with answering the same thing. Of course, you can get some tips from the other people who are right there with you. On the other hand, they are going to get the same thing from you which is probably the best thing for everyone involved. It would be time to put out all that effort into your preparation and see if all that hard work would pay off in the end. There are times when it would not come to head though as it would be a lot better to see if some good luck charms would pay off. After all, it is something you would want to do and there is no harm in trying these things. It would be alright to lose sleep since this is the time that would prove to be unforgettable.

Avoid Distractions

If you want to prepare for the exam in the best way possible then you would need to turn off all the distractions that would come into play. After all, that would dictate how you would get into the groove of preparing for the NC permit test. The permit will definitely be useful in the near future. It is going to be crucial to avoid the habits that you are used to doing when it matters the most. There will be sudden happenings that you will look to not really distract you from what is really important. After all, you would want to be laser-focused on the ultimate goal. As a matter of fact, the distractions can include having your friends invite you to events that you probably would not want to be a part of anyway.

All in all, getting the NC permit practice test can put you at an advantage. However, that is not really a sure thing as you can still answer quite a few things with regards to what may actually come out in the exam. There is a chance that they would change their mind with regards to the questions at the last minute. However, you can’t really overlook the opportunity you have right now. After all, it would probably be a long time before you would have an opportunity to do it all over again. It would go to show how laser-focused you are right now so better prepare all your pens if it is a physical test. If it is an online test then better check your speed so that the Internet connection won’t buffer during the most crucial times of the exams.